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Kozłowska Barbara (1940-2009) – Wszystko...

Kozłowska Barbara (1940-2009) – Wszystko to możesz zobaczyć gdziekolwiek
23 czerwca – 31 sierpnia 2016. Wernisaż: 23 czerwca 2016, godz. 17.
Warszawa, ul. Miedziana 11

The exhibition You Can See All Of This Anywhere marks a return to the work of Barbara Kozłowska, one of the most significant artists of the Wrocław avant-garde art circles of the 1970s. Kozłowska participated in the breakthrough events of Polish art of the 1970s, such as the Symposium Wrocław 70 and The Dreamers Congress in Elbląg in 1971. Between 1972 and 1982, the artist transformed her studio in Wrocław into her artist-run gallery space Babel – an independent and autonomous venue for artists to meet.

Zdjęcia z archiwum rodzinnego

Still, as her husband Zbigniew Makarewicz remarks, Kozłowska was a well-known and an unknown figure at the same time. This situation might result from the fact that her art often relied on ephemeral, hardly perceptible and disinterested gestures. well-known and an unknown figure at the same time. This situation might result from the fact that her art often relied on ephemeral, hardly perceptible and disinterested gestures. Her activities adopted the form of performances, happenings, ephemeral interventions in space. Since 1970, Kozłowska pursued the project Borderline, within which the artist travelled to the USSR (Siberia), Great Britain, Malta, Italy, France, The Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Germany and the USA.

Zaproszenie: Poster

More: fundacjaarton.pl